PROUDLY PART OF THE COMMUNITY OF Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese

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St Pauls Catholic College Greystanes provides a supportive and responsive environment for the education of young men in Years 7-12. Our focus is on encouraging teamwork, participation and good sportsmanship.

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Our College motto, 'Many Gifts, One Community' reflects our desire to celebrate the achievements of our young men and support them in sharing their gifts within a community that is safe, supportive and affirming. More...

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We warmly welcome new families to join our school community. Enquiries and enrolment applications for all grades are welcome any time of the year, although the main enrolment period is between February and April in the year before your son will start at our school.

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18 Dec 2024

From Facebook

✝️🎄🎁 Christmas Embrace 2024 has been such a gift to our SPCC community! So many students and staff and their families from our SPCC community donated more than 7 large boxes of toiletries and gifts for the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. Julian, a student from Year 11, expresses personally his experience of Christmas Embrace this year. “Giving holds immense importance in my life as it embodies empathy, connection, and it displays my faith. The Christmas Embrace was a way to acknowledge the value of others and to share the blessings I’ve received. It reminds me that even in challenging times, we have the capacity to brighten someone else’s day. Ultimately, giving enriches both the giver and the receiver, creating a ripple effect of positivity that makes the world a little kinder." Mr John Klumpp, the Year 11 Coordinator, describes his delight in seeing St Pauls students practising the Corporal Works of Mercy. “The Christmas Embrace provided a platform for the students to discuss giving to others and unite as a Year 11 form to organise workshop tasks to gather donations for the hampers. The number of students volunteering to help was pleasing. We thank the St Vincent de Paul Society and the Greystanes Catholic Community for this opportunity." On behalf of Vinnies, we thank all the members in our community who donated to the Vinnies Christmas Appeal or volunteered to help with the operation of the initiative at SPCC. The presentation of the Christmas Hampers will bring hope and joy to the 60 families in the Greystanes Conference.

25 Nov 2024

From Facebook

✝️⛪️🙏 This week was a week of celebration of the service of our SRE (State Religious Education) catechists in Greystanes. SRE, run by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, is a program in which volunteers are trained and teach students the Catholic faith and tradition in public schools in the Diocese of Parramatta. On their last visit to the local public school on Wednesday 20th November, our Year 10 students celebrated with other SRE catechists, as well as all the students at this school who were catechised in this program in the annual Christmas Concert. It is a celebration of all the growth and formation of both catechists and students involved in this program. On the Friday, Bishop Vincent Long was the principal celebrant of the Annual Diocesan SRE Catechist Mass at St Patrick's Cathedral, Parramatta, which celebrates the contributions of the SRE catechists in the Diocese of Parramatta. Some of our Year 10 students were among more than 200 hundred other students in Catholic secondary schools in the Diocese of Parramatta who also participated in SRE this year. Bishop Vincent notably echoed the words of Pope Francis on the importance of their work as they 'spread the fragrance of the Good News.' Their witness includes dedication, patience, courage and humility. Through this program, they have grown in their friendships, faith and leadership. Thank you especially to Patricia, Tricia and the Year 4 and 5 teachers who supported and mentored our students this year.

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Training for Parent Volunteers - Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese
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